More About Transition Towns

Transition Town Maroondah (TTM) is a community coming together to create a sustainable way to live and work. Building a resilient community in the face of Peak Oil, (when oil will no longer be readily and cheaply available), as well as confronting together the challenges of climate, energy and economic change.

TTM consists of everyday people, working enjoyably together to come up with shared solutions which enable us to:

Feel a part of stronger local community.

Increase access to and production of local homegrown and locally produced food.

Improve local and sustainable transport options.

Stimulate local economies.

We are creating more meaningful and satisfying ways of living, which build our capacity to adjust to the end of the era of cheap oil, enabling us to make a meaningful contribution to addressing the enormous negative environmental legacy our generation has collectively created.

We seek to engage with all levels of our community – grass roots, business and government – to shape the future of Maroondah.

TTM is part of a worldwide Transition Town movement where communities recognise that we live in unprecedented times, where the health of our planet, our ecosystems, and humans (including future generations) are at great risk due to climate change, dwindling biodiversity, and peak oil.  TTM see this as both a huge threat, but also a great opportunity to create a new way of thinking about how we coexist with each other, and the rest of the biosphere, to reduce our impact on the earth’s finite resources, and what’s needed to create a sustainable and sustaining future.

In November 2009 a small group of concerned people with support by City of Maroondah hosted a public meeting in Maroondah to raise awareness of the issues of Climate change, peak oil and introduce the concept of Transition Towns.

The purpose of the meeting was to explore the interest and willingness of the Maroondah people to work together on sustainability projects, which would strengthen the community and build its capacity to transition to a low carbon future. 72 people attended, there was a strong level of interest in working together to apply the Transition Town principles and further on apply to become an official Transition Town.

A Core group formed, to lead the initiative overall, and to work with sub groups to develop and implement projects. Working groups established focusing on the areas of Transport, Food, water & re-skilling, Communication, Community engagement and Community education.
A website is under development (

We hold a monthly gathering on the 4th Sunday of every month at the East Ringwood community hall, to share ideas and develop projects and learn ways to build a sustainable and resilient community hear in Maroondah.

Anyone is welcome at these gatherings.  For further details check out our website at


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